How to Comment

Hey guys! This is my page on How To Comment.  It’ll hopefully show you all how to comment better.  Enjoy!

photo credit to: Pixbay

Step 1: Write a greeting addressing the author of the post/page.

Dear (author),

Step 2: Write about something in/about their post that you are able to relate to.

Dear (author),
I also really love (interest)! My favorite thing about it is (favorite thing about interest).

Step 3: Include a link back to your post/page.

Dear (author),
I also really love (interest)! My favorite thing about it is (favorite thing about interest). Come check out my post on (interest) (link to post).

Step 4: Finally, you’re almost done. All you gotta do now is add your conclusion/ending or whatever you want to call it.

Dear (author),
I also really love (interest)! My favorite thing about it is (favorite thing about interest). Come check out my post on (interest)(link to post).
(Your Name/Username)

Thank you for reading! I hope you’ll learn something new or apply this to when you write comments on other people’s blogs. Byeee!!