Archive of ‘My Best Work’ category

My Best LA Work

Hey, guys! This is my best work for LA so I decided to use what I think is my best EduBlogs post.  It was one of my Weekly Themed Post, here is the link

It is my post on Exo and their song ‘For Life’.  I really liked how I wrote it and that’s why I chose it.

My Best S.T.E.A.M Work

Hey guys! This will be my post on my best S.T.E.A.M work.

A while back we went on a field trip to find and record birds.  We then used recordings to make a song with a partner.  My partner was Chase and we made this song, Our bird song.

Thank you for looking at it, byee!

My Best Math Work

Hey guys! This will be my post on my best math work.

Picture credit to: Me

That was our math test on functions and I was really proud that I got a perfect.

Thank you for looking! Byeee!